Equal Employment 和 Educational Opportunity 性骚扰 Policy


(for claims not subject to the Title IX policy)

乐博体育官方入口 is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复. It is the policy of 乐博体育官方入口 (“MSM” or “the School”) not to tolerate discrimination, 骚扰, 或者是基于年龄的报复, actual or perceived 比赛 (including traits historically associated with 比赛), color, 信条, 民族起源, 国家的起源, 外国人或公民身份, 残疾, 宗教, 性(包括性骚扰), 性别(包括实际的或感知的性别), 性别认同 和 gender 表达式 including a person’s actual or perceived gender-related self-image, 外观, 行为, 表达式, 或者其他与性别有关的特征, regardless of the sex assigned to that person at birth), 实际的或感知到的身高或体重, 性取向, 婚姻或伴侣状况, 军人或退伍军人身份, 易感遗传特征, 失业状态, 怀孕, 家族的地位, 照顾者的地位, 性健康和生殖健康决定, 有犯罪前科, or status as a victim or witness of domestic violence, 性犯罪, 或跟踪, 或任何其他受法律保护的基础. Such 行为 is unlawful 和 inconsistent with the commitment of MSM. This commitment is central to MSM’s Mission as well as to its legal compliance obligations.

MSM does not permit retaliation against individuals who oppose such alleged misconduct or who participate in an investigation of such allegations.

This policy applies to 性骚扰, which is one kind of discrimination. Sexual 骚扰 is further defined in Section I 下面. This policy prohibits 骚扰 relating to all terms 和 conditions of employment within MSM — including recruitment, 招聘, 入学, 金融援助, 补偿, 好处, 评价, 促销活动, 和终止. 它还要求非歧视, non-harassing, 和 non-retaliatory treatment of students 和 prospective students in all aspects of student life 和 studies, 包括在学生申请期间, 入学, 以及财政援助程序.

如下文第一节所述, MSM maintains a comprehensive set of Equal Opportunity policies, 包括本性骚扰政策, that are intended to operate together to prohibit discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复 within our workplace 和 learning environment. 其中包括另外两项解决问题的政策, 分别, (i) Non-Discrimination (other than in circumstances of sexual 骚扰 or misconduct); 和 (ii) Sexual Misconduct falling within the legal parameters of Title IX.  Depending upon the allegations of a particular complaint, modifications to different procedures or timelines may be required in order to harmonize policy requirements, 序列的调查, 和 ensure a full 和 fair resolution of concerns.  见第四节 权利保留 下面, which details the circumstances in which the School may modify policies 和 timelines under this policy 和 the School’s other Equal Opportunity policies.


On this page you will find information about:

I. 性骚扰

A.  什么是性骚扰
B.  性骚扰的例子
C.  谁可能成为性骚扰的目标
D.  哪里会发生性骚扰
E.  报复

II. 投诉程序

A. 举报性骚扰
B. 如何投诉
C. Complaints 和 Investigations of 性骚扰
D. Responsibilities of Managers 和 Supervisors Within the Workplace
E. 旁观者交互

3. 法律保护和外部救济

A. 纽约州人权司
B. 的 United States Equal Opportunity Commission
C. 民权办公室
D. 当地的保护
E. 联系当地警察局

IV. 权利保留

I. 性骚扰

乐博体育官方入口 (“MSM” or “the School”) is committed to a workplace 和 learning environment free from 骚扰 和 discrimination. Sexual 骚扰 is a form of workplace discrimination that subjects an employee or student to inferior conditions of employment or learning/living environments, 因为他们的性别, 性别认同, 性别表达(感知或实际), 和/或性取向. Sexual 骚扰 is often viewed simply as a form of gender-based discrimination, but MSM recognizes that sex discrimination can be related to or affected by other identities beyond gender. Different identities impact our underst和ing of the world 和 how others perceive us. 例如, 个人的种族, 能力, or immigration status may impact their experience with gender discrimination in the workplace.

This Policy focuses upon 性骚扰 that does not fall within the School’s 第九章/不当性行为政策. 的 非歧视和反骚扰政策 addresses allegations of gender discrimination 和 other forms of discrimination (e.g., 比赛, ethnicity) that do not involve sexually harassing conduct, but there can be overlap between issues covered by this policy 和 the 不歧视政策. 的 methods for reporting 和 investigating discrimination 和 骚扰 under this Policy 和 the 不歧视政策 本质上是一样的.  此外, where complaints raise one than more ground for discrimination (as where, 例如, a complaint alleges both sexual 骚扰 和 some other form of discrimination), the School may modify procedures or timelines involved in an investigation. 的 School is committed to ensuring a full 和 fair investigation of complaints. 见第四节 权利保留 下面.


  • 乐博体育官方入口 第九章/不当性行为政策 禁止不当性行为, 包括性骚扰, 通过或反对学生或雇员, where the complaint falls within the legal 和 regulatory parameters of the School’s Title IX policy. 该政策可以在这里找到:
  • 乐博体育官方入口 非歧视和反骚扰政策 sets forth policies 和 procedures prohibiting alleged discrimination, 骚扰, or retaliation in circumstances other than of sexual 骚扰 or sexual misconduct falling within this 性骚扰 policy or the Title IX policy. 该政策可以在这里找到:


